Research Manager

Guba Alexander Venyaminovich

In the world exists the ensemble of the companies, concerning with development and production electronic element and submachines. However not each company has an educational programs of support of the high educational institutions. The pleasant exception in this direction is ANALOG DEVICES Inc. (USA) one of the world leader in production of the analog microcircuits and digital signal processor- device, intended for digital processing signal in real-time mode. There are millions of companies in the world, which are connected with development and production of electronic element and submachines.

As a result of negotiations between Dagestan State Technical University (DSTU) and ANALOG DEVICES Representation (Russia), and following presentation of the possibilities of the university, company ANALOG DEVICES in 2004 has included DSTU in its worldwide university program.

On the first stage of the educational program university has prepared the premises and has installed the computers, and ADI has given the evaluation boards digital signal processor type BLACKFIN BF533 and SHARC 21161, as well as necessitive software. September 2004 in Dagestan state technical university was open research centre "Modern electronic elements and technologies", which originally disposed ten research places for research workers.


On the following stage of the program ANALOG DEVICES Inc. has addition equipped the research centre with two kits digital signal TIGER SHARC TS201 processor, as well as has given the equipment and software for organization five work places to study new perspective product microconverter type ADuC 845.

Thus, at present research centre disposes two beautiful laboratories, equipped with the most modern equipment. Since the first days the research centre task was to integrations available hardware-programmer resource in scholastic process of the university, but as base was determined specialty "Control and informatics in technical system". For undertaking educational studies and research functioning employee centre in laboratory digital signal processor was designed and made necessery accompanying devices, are published methodical material on study digital signal processor.


In this work immeasurable help and support has rendered by the specialists of Russian Representation ANALOG DEVICES Inc. They gave educational materials, technical documentation, turns out to be the help in editing methodical material, study samples to the most latest company product. Annual technical seminars for teachers, student and representatives production on product of the companies ANALOG DEVICES, conducted by employee representation in DSTU became already traditional. The Interesting profound material was presented by the official representative of ADI in Russia and Baltic Vyshinskiy Evgeny, leading specialists Sapozhnikova Maria, Vlasenko Aleksey and Torganov Vadim, who within the framework of seminar advised the student on multiple technical questions.

Every semester internal technical seminars are conducted in University, where students of the different specialities from the faculty of the informatics and control present the material of their own studies and developments. The Best reports on result of the appearances are noted by encouragement leadership.


On base of the research centre within the framework of specialty "Control and informatics in technical system" students prepare abstracts, are executed course and degree projects.

Special attention deserve degree project, executed by graduate, spesiality "Control and informatics in technical system" Abdurazakova Z.M., denoted to development and creation specialized measuring generator, falling into kit of the equipment for study algorithm to digital filtering different electric signal. The main material of this project are published in the most old Russian radiotechnical magazine "Radiolyubitel", №3, 2005.


This year lectures on "Architecture modern processor", "Methods and facility of the digital processing signal", "Microprocessor device managerial system" and "Function electronic device" are held at laboratory with student of speciality "Control and informatics in technical system". The lessons conduct by leading specialists of OJ-SC PO "AZIMUT", where ANALOG DEVICES product is widely used, in particular, digital signal processors.

Dagestan State Technical University rector pays great attention to activity of the research centre, extension international contacts in educational and research sphere, and that promote increasing a quality of education. April 2007 on the base of the research centre there was organized special department of electronics and microprocessor technology.

One of aims of centre is development of educational laboratory equipment on analog and digital design. For this in March 2007 Cent received the grant within the framework of Russian program of the assistance development of small forms enterprise in research sphere research.

In this time there is collaboration with ALTERA (USA), who also has gave a chance to participate in its university program , and in September 2007 were an open laboratory PLIS. Laboratory is equipped with product of XILINX (USA).

Our address: 367015, Republic Dagestan, Mahachkala, str. I-SHAMILYA 70,
Dagestan state technical university
Research centre
«Modern electronic elements and technologies»


e-mail: analog04@mail.ru